Sunday, June 29, 2008

Very Near Completion

We are growing closer and closer to the completion of this master bedroom remodel.  Jeff and Skottie decided to use a unique aromatic cedar plywood, similar to OSB, to line the two walk-in closets.  It has a wonderful smell and looks pretty funky as well.  A nice addition to the closets. Built-in storage was also incorporated above the backside of the fireplace.  We were also able to add a 64 sq ft. storage space behind the closets, accessible through doors in the backs of each closet.  The VG bamboo ceiling came together very well.  The lines in the bamboo ply are so clean and perfect compared to other wood ceilings I've seen and worked with. 
The pictures may not do it justice.  

Drywall turned out as perfect as it could, thanks to a fantastic drywall crew, and painting by Skottie and Jeff turned out great as well.  All electrical work was done very punctually and completely by Warren from Boley Electric.  

This week we will complete the fireplace details and move on to the oak wainscoting in the stairwell leading to the newly remodeled master bedroom.... 

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

1917 Craftsman Master Bedroom Remodel

This project entails near complete demolition of a master bedroom, removal of two walls, and addition of two walk-in closets and a fireplace, and retaining most of the square footage of the original room.  Tricky indeed.  Also removing the old ceiling, adding insulation and  moving it up almost two feet.  The new ceiling will be vertical grain bamboo plywood.  Floors will be carpeted.  Walls will be smooth and painted.  

Before Drywall

Before Drywall
All outside walls and the ceiling are now insulated. For the past 91 years, they were not.

Ceiling and beams to be covered in VG bamboo.

Bamboo plywood on ceiling

VG Bamboo Ceiling

Hallway Before Drywall

Hallway after drywall, paint, and oak